
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Hunger Games Comes to Life

Veronica wanted to try something new for her birthday so we went to this archery place in Orem.  It was so much fun!  Archery is definitely not my strong suit but it was nice to do something different for a change.  Vili made friends with the owners and they didn't charge us.  Score!  That always happens with guy!  Lol  We will definitely be going back there.

Came home for cake and ice cream and almost burned my apartment down.  Lol!  Who knew flames could get that big if you bunch all the candles together on the cake?  Now we know!  Lol.  Made for some good memories though.  Cry from laughing kind of memories and those are the best ones.

Hope you had a great birthday, Ronz!  Love you!

Big Talanoa's BBQ

Happy Birthday Talanoa!  We love you!

Took little Talanoa with me shopping before the BBQ.  Can you tell she was having the time of her life?  Lol!

She is so thoughtful.  I bought her bubbles and she picked two.  One for her and one for her sister.  As soon as we got home she said, "Pepe, I buy something for you!"  They melt my heart!

Sidebusters.  Lol.

Pasifika Festival

Big Girl

Elina can ride a tricycle!  Look how cute she is on our neighbor's bike!  Lol!  This will probably be her next birthday present if I can force myself to wait that long.


Our new summer spot.  It's cheap.  It's around the corner.  It's yummy.

What's good?

Tacos, scones, wing & fries, fried oreos.  Gonna stop blogging and head over there right now.  LOL!
Oh, can't forget the sidewalk chalk and art.  Kids love them some chalk!

Four Little Monkeys

Went to Elisha and Ikani's so the kids could swim and they had a blast.  We let them run wild with no swimsuits because we're ghetto like that, Lynnea ended up in her birthday suit (lol), and Elisha made ham sandwiches with no ham.  Lol!  So much fun!  Definitely have to do this again soon.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Temple Goal

I used to think President Makai was crazy when he first asked our stake to go to the temple twice a week instead of just once. Crazy because people are busy, kids need tending, houses need cleaning, dinner needs to be cooked, and a million other things that could get done in that time frame.  I also thought the people who listened to him were self righteous and only going to show off.  Who thinks that way?!?

Someone who needs to repent!

I didn't understand until I started going frequently a few months ago. I've gone more in the past few months than I have in the past 5 years since I've been married just to give you some perspective. I try to go once a week even though it doesn't always happen.  

Some things I've learned about frequent (key word) temple attendance: 

-Being obedient to President Makai and his promptings about our stake brings blessings to the stake, my ward, and especially to my little family. Also, the person who I am going through for. 
-My kids love seeing us go to the temple. They frequently ask if they can join us and go in with us.  
-It takes a lot of work to get to the temple each week.  Satan works hard to distract us from getting there each and every time. He does not give up.  I try to remember this when feeling discouraged about scheduling and it motivates me to try harder and not to give up.  
-There is no better place we can be than in the temple. I used to use the excuse that my job as a mom required me to be home with my kids constantly and that that was more important than attending temple night.  I've come to realize that it's far more important for them to see me making sacrifices to attend the temple.  They need to know that it is important to me.  I bless them more when I'm in there and it gives me a chance to write names on the prayer roll, theirs included. 
-It changes me.  I remember the temple president saying this at stake conference and I'll never forget it because its true. The temple changes people.  I am a better person each time I leave the temple.  My perspective on things stays in the eternal perspective for longer periods of time the more frequently I go. 
-Satan works harder on me the more I go but I know it's because I'm doing something right. 
-Problems do not disappear because we attend the temple. We will just be blessed with the knowledge and patience we need to overcome those trials by going to the temple. I talk about this a lot with my mother in law. 
-No bad thing can ever come from going to the temple.  It can only bring blessings. 

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Swings & Slides

Can't wait to own a home one day so the kids can play for hours on end in the backyard.  For now, we'll live at the park.  You're welcome in advance, children!  Lol.

Mother's Day 2013

I LOVE being a Mom.  It is priceless.  It is the hardest yet most rewarding job in the world.  My kids teach me so much everyday and I love that I'm given the sacred responsibility to raise and nurture them.  Yes, it gets stressful and overwhelming at times but none of that outweighs what they give me in return.

They teach me to be more like our Savior.  I love waking up to their smiling faces accompanied with tight hugs and kisses each day.  They make me laugh with their little mannerisms and unique personalities.  Hearing their laughter fills me with complete joy.  Seeing them be kind to others melts my heart.  Most of all, I love that they love me unconditionally.

Being a Mom truly is the best job in the world and I love it!

Finally got to claim my birthday massage from Cheka.  Barely made it there!  Lol.

Amara, you've got a lifetime client out of me.  
Best. Massage. Ever.

My little brothers bought me flowers!  How sweet are they?!

Came home to the kids abusing the babysitter!  Lol!

Some gifts for our favorite Mom's :)

Woke up to the best breakfast!

My cute nursery on Mother's Day while playing outside.

Went to Tucanos with Mama So'oto the next day.

5 Year Anniversary

We made it to our five year mark and we're both still alive and happy.  Haha!  We decided to make this anniversary a tad bit more special than the others.  Five years is kind of a huge deal, especially in a world  where too commonly divorce is the answer.  Not in this marriage.  Sorry Hun, you're stuck with me for eternity ;)

We have grown so much in these past five years together.  We've learned to be more kind, more selfless, more forgiving, more loving, more supportive, more everything.  Yeah, we want to kill each other sometimes because we are not perfect but we are trying.  Trying to build a marriage that will stand the test of time and trying to create a marriage that one day our kids can model and look forward to.  I love this man even though he can drive me up the wall at times.  That's what true love is all about people!  Hahaha!

Vili's first pedicure!  Some ask how did I get him to agree?  Answer is patience.  
It's been five years!  Haha

Came home and these two monkeys wanted to try on my necklace.

So we usually just go to dinner for our anniversary but we decided to exchange gifts this year as well.  Can you check out what my husband gave me?  It's a huge carving of the Family Proclamation!  He saw me drooling over it some time last year and remembered.  So sweet!