
Wednesday, February 27, 2013


I need to listen to the Spirit more and stop doubting myself. It's something I battle with all the time. I don't have courage to do the things I'm prompted to do. I wait and hope I get prompted again just to make sure it was the Spirit but it doesn't always come around again. I leave it at that reassuring myself that had it been the Spirit I would have been prompted again. I could saved myself a lot of heartache if I had listened the first time. Kids, trust yourself and have the courage to do what the Spirit tells you to do, the very first time! It takes practice and I'm still working on that.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Addicted to Legos

Elina is addicted to building "princess castles" and Talanoa is addicted to knocking them down. This happens daily, multiple times a day. Elina builds, Talanoa terrorizes, Elina cries, Talanoa cries in time out, Talanoa apologizes and gives hugs and uma's, I help Elina build it again, I take pictures of her blocks to make her feel better and then it happens all over again.

Talanoa is naked by choice FYI! Lol. She kept taking her footie pajamas off so I gave up.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Temple Date

We finally made it to the temple for the first time this year! It was much needed couple time and what better place to than at the temple? Elina was so cute. Before we headed out she put on her mommy face and voice and explained to Talanoa that they were going to Papa's house because Mommy and Daddy were going inside the temple. The things they can comprehend even at this young age amazes me!

I love going to the temple and I especially love how peaceful it is in there. My thoughts become clear and I get to put my life back into its heavenly perspective, which I lose sight of often in the everyday hustle and bustle. It's like hitting the refresh button. I can't remember the last time we did a session so it was nice to be there and to start the year off on the right foot together.

We went inside with no snow outside and came out to a few inches! That didn't stop us from taking a detour afterwards to Burger Supreme. Lol!

Fobs At Heart

We're fobs because we went to our ward conference dance. Lol. Because that's what our parents did growing up and are still doing. Dancing. It's the only ward activity Tongans know how to do. They get excited and plan their matching aloha outfits. I'm having major flashbacks of my childhood right now! I know all of you who grew up in Tongan wards are having flashbacks too!

The last dance Vili and I went to was the New Year's Eve dance in 2011 going into 2012 and before that was probably back in 2009. Our side steps just don't cut it anymore so we stay far away from church dances. Lol. We'd much rather go to eat or watch a movie. So who would've thought that we would have had so much fun last Friday? And actually, who would've thought we'd actually go at all? Not me, that's for sure.

It all happened when we went to the chapel on Thursday night to help Siosi and Mepa set up for the dance. The music was blasting and Elina and Talanoa were having fun running around. I started to think that maybe we should take them. I mentioned it to Vili that night and got brushed off like always but persistence is key. Lol I asked again when I got home from work on Friday and Vili lovingly obliged after trying to bribe me with Tucanos instead. Lol! So glad we went! The kids had a blast dancing the night away and so did we. Vili even slow danced with me and it was his idea! I'm happy to pass down these fob memories to my girls. It kind of feels like I'm sharing a piece of my childhood with them.

Thanks to Elisha and Ikani for all the pics!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Think Before I Act

I offended someone in my ward today and it makes me extremely sad. This is my second time being called as the nursery leader and it seriously burns me out, sometimes to the point of tears. Last Sunday I had a melt down after church because it was a long day! Vili had to work that morning, as he does every other Sunday, so I had to get to church with the girls by myself. We got there on time and everything went smoothly during sacrament because Talanoa slept (huge miracle and blessing) minus the fact that Elina stole an extra sacrament water. Lol. We ended up in the foyer but made it through most of the meeting surprisingly.

Nursery was a nightmare during second hour. Mandy Funaki, my new assistant, volunteered to do the lesson but barely made it through because the kids were so rowdy. They kept making noises, banging on the tables, talking over her and were constantly being loud. Elina is one of the older ones but was being the naughtiest and I could barely control her let alone the entire nursery of 15 or so kids. Talanoa was attached to my hip and wouldn't let go of me the entire time so that didn't help. I had to put kids in time out too which is very rare. I got home and broke down! I was beat! I love my calling and all my nursery kids but this calling is extremely draining. I have to look after and care for 15 or so kids, 2 of them my own, for two hours while everyone else gets to enjoy Sunday School and Relief Society lessons in the company of other adults. I am envious and I need to repent.

Anyways, because of my melt down and the fact that we had several kids not of nursery age last week I decided to put a sign up on our door today that said "SUNSET 12TH NURSERY AGES 18 MONTHS-3 YEARS ONLY! THANK YOU!" Just like that in all caps. I put it up without thinking that I could hurt someone's feelings or make people feel singled out. I know it was the right thing to do to enforce the rules but definitely not the right time or in the right spirit. I need to work on being less impulsive and thinking things through more thoroughly before acting. My new note for next week will say something along these lines. "Nursery is a class designed for children 18 months-3 years old in hopes to better prepare them for primary. Children under the age of 18 months are more than welcome to come if accompanied by a parent. Thank you!" I hope they understand that I'm just trying to do what's best for us and for the kids we are responsible for in this calling.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

My Little Photographer

I'm thinking I should invest in a kid friendly camera for Elina so she can lay off my iPhone camera. Lol. I seriously find a flood of pictures in my camera roll of blur and randomness and I know she is responsible. She even takes pics of people who come to visit. She'll go around the room telling everyone to say cheese while she counts down. I even found a lovely pic of me in my garments but I will spare your eyeballs. Lol! Maybe if we embrace this it will become a talent or hobby of hers. You never know!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Valentine's Day-After Playdate

Mary Alisa invited a few of us over for a Valentine's playdate and we had too much fun!  It was an all girl party with only one ladies man, little Peej.  Lucky him!  Lol.  I love going to playdates but I still get nervous because my kids are both at that age where they can easily embarrass me in a multitude of ways.  Lol.  All went well though and I'm glad I had an excuse to hang out with some friends while my kids were happily occupied.  Two birds with one stone, my friends!  (Actually, three birds if you count the fact that my kids both fell asleep on the way home.  Score!)  The girls played in the toy room, had a relay race, played musical towels, put stickers on a cupid poster that Tali seriously whipped up in seconds, ate good grub, and decorated cookies!  Thank you Mary for inviting us :)   

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Valentine's Schmalentine's!

We don't really celebrate Valentine's because we're boring and I think it's a huge waste of money but this year we actually did a little something something and it was so much fun.

I woke up feeling spontaneous so the girls and I had craft time and decorated for Daddy. It ended up being way cute and makes me want to be a little more festive for their sakes. We sent Daddy his surprise via Instagram and he loved it! We were going to attempt making cupcakes and go out for a family lunch but Dom and Losi were feeling spontaneous too apparently! They invited us over for lung and man was it deliciousssss!

We had salmon, scallops, Parmesan asparagus, cheese biscuits (red lobster kind but better), red velvet cupcakes, and brownies with cookies and cream ice cream. Sooooo freakin good! We even had some sparkling cider. How cool are we? Lol! Saddest part of the day was packing leftovers and losing it on the way home because I left it on the hood of our car. Great one, Nia! I was soooo sad. I even called and had them check their parking lot for it. Faaaaaat! Lol