
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Talanoa Turned 2 on the Road!

Talanoa, we love everything about you from your infectious laugh to your obnoxious cry.  You are so talkative and are wise beyond your years.  Your sense of humor surprises us all the time and your loyalty can't be matched.  You are our little protector and we are so blessed to have you in our family.  Happy Birthday, my sweet Talanoa, and we wish you many more to come!  Love you, baby girl!

We spent the majority of Talanoa's birthday on the road heading back home but she was in the best of moods the entire drive.  She kept reminding us that is was her birthday!  We'd hear her randomly saying, "My birthday?!?  Yup, it's my birthday!"  We even sang her the most off key Happy Birthday during the drive thanks to Vili.  Lol!  We made it home just in time for the stake fireside where Tauola got released as bishop of our ward.  Bittersweet for our family but we are definitely excited to see him around more.  Also excited for our new bishopric!

We had cake and ice cream after the fireside for Talanoa thanks to Aunty Talanoa and Grandma Talite.  I know baby loved it because she keeps watching the video of us singing to her over and over and over again.  She doesn't get sick of it.  Haha!

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