
Friday, May 3, 2013

Elder Uata :)

My little brother, Robin, got his mission call and we couldn't be more thrilled!  He's the first person in our family (siblings) to go on a mission and we are so proud of him!  He will be serving in the Phillipines Cebu mission, Cebuano speaking.  Yup, just learned that they do not speak Tagalog in Cebu.  It's a totally different dialect.  Crazy!  He reports to the MTC June 5th which is even crazier because we only have one more month with him :(  Maybe we'll get lucky and have Robin sightings at the temple though!  Gonna miss him like crazy but can't wait for him to go forth and serve.  The gospel is a beautiful thing and it's even more beautiful that my brother is willing and able to help it move forward.  Love you, Robin!  You might be the first missionary I actually write!  Don't take my word for it though.  Lol!

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