
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Sarcasm: A Form of Evil Speaking

I read an ensign article that really touched me. It's entitled "No Corrupt Communication".  It really hit home because I come from an overly-sarcastic family. We speak sarcasm. Fluently. Constantly. We know it all too well.  If I am to be 100% honest I used to think it was funny until I'm seeing its real effects. So much of this article rings true and it saddens me to hear how huge of a negative impact sarcasm has had on myself and those around me.  

Why are we so sarcastic anyway? Well, I think my family uses it to mask our emotions so we don't have to deal with them. We have a lot of emotional pain we swept under the rug having to do with my parents divorce, my stepdad, my dad leaving us, etc.  It all adds up little by little to an overwhelming amount.  It's extremely painful to deal with and confront so I think we've used sarcasm as a tool to cover it all up. That's my opinion anyway. Doesn't help that Tongans are really sarcastic in general. Probably because they don't like to show emotions either. (Huge generalization but it's my blog, my opinion.)

I will be the first to admit that I am GUILTY regarding all things sarcasm.  I have used sarcasm to avoid my emotions and hurt others, sometimes unintentionally because of how often I use it, without noticing most times.  It's funny if you're on the "dishing it out" end of it but hurtful and mean when you're at the other end. I know because I've been on both ends. 

I don't like how it feels and I don't want to continue this in my own family. I want to teach my kids to speak up when they're hurt, jealous, or embarrassed and talk openly about their feelings, good and bad. I want a home that is free of judgement and criticism.  This article is a great reminder that I can be better.  I know it won't happen overnight but I will do my best!  Especially for my kids!  

I do this way too often....

I get so behind on my blog that I just want to give up or skip a big chunk of our lives.  Lol!  Summer has been so fun that blogging about it seems like a chore!  I have 3 months worth of summer things to blog about and I'm dreading it.  Things I can't leave out like my brother graduating high school, my other brother going on a mission, family camp, ward camp, potty training Talanoa, etc!  Whyyyyy do I let myself get so behind?!

But seriously, I have a problem.  I have to blog chronologically and it is so annoying!  I want to blog about things going on right now but can't because it won't be in order.  Then I start forgetting to write about the little sweet things my kids do and say on a daily basis because I'm so focused on catching up with the bigger things from months ago.  I know, I probably sound crazy right now.  Lol

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Lots to be Grateful For

Vili and I started our new calling as teachers of the Valiant 10 & 11 class. Today was our 2nd Sunday and I love it! We have a great class of about 10-12 kids (80% boys) and they actually participate! Grateful for them and for my husband who actually sits down to prepare lessons with me during the week.  Also grateful that my daughters have miraculously gone to nursery with no whining or complaints. Mini miracle! 

I got to go to relief society for the first time in over a year today. It felt so good to be in there. KD Fonohema bore her testimony and made us all cry. She talked about how she feels inadequate raising her boys in the gospel while their dad is inactive. It really touched me. Made me realize how strong she is and how blessed her family will be for her diligence. 

It also made me more grateful for my loving husband who is not perfect and who I take for granted a lot. He is an amazing dad and a great priesthood holder which I tend to forget. I don't give him enough credit for all he does. Hun if you're reading this, I love you and I'll be better :) 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Vampire Diaries

I hate starting a new tv series because I know I'll get addicted and it starts the domino effect. The bad kind. Mommy stays up late watching one too many episodes, wakes up early very tired and cranky, is a bad mom all day, and repeat until I finish all the episodes. 

Why do I do this to myself and my poor kids? Lol!

I love/hate you vampire diaries! Hurry and finish so I can get back to being a good, well-rested-non-cranky Mom! Thank goodness there's only 3 seasons on Netflix! 

Don't ask me why I have no self control when it comes to tv shows. I'm just nosey and need to know what happens. Even with horrible shows like Gossip Girl! Grey's is on a whole nother level! It still is one of my favorites. I blame Elisha and Josie! Lol