
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

California Day 3

We spent our last California day at Sea World!  We were off to a really really rocky start.  Talanoa scraped her knee when we got there and we forgot her binky in the car.  She peed on me while Vili went to grab it and screamed bloody murder until he came back.  Doesn't help that she had the worst rash from her UTI medication.  People probably thought I kidnapped her.....that's how bad she was screaming!  Not fun for her or for me.  Nothing a little Ibuprofen couldn't help!  Once we got her feeling better the Sea World trip starting turning around.

We were supposed to leave Sea World early and head for Vegas but we changed our minds on the fly.  We couldn't leave just as things were getting better so we decided to stay one more night and do the whole drive the next day.  Glad we did because we scored front row seats for the Shamu show!  We were literally the first one's through the gates and sat in the best "Soak Zone" seats.  Shamu did not disappoint!  He drenched us with water and the kids were not happy!  We were all laughing so hard because the kids were miserable.  (Update:  We were looking at our California pictures the other day and Talanoa was enjoying them all until she saw pictures of the whales and starting saying, "No like him, Daddy.  No no whales.  Him wet me."  Me and Vili could not stop laughing!)

There was yummy BBQ awaiting us when we got home from Sea World thanks to Uncle Vic and his brother.  Seriously felt so so welcomed in their home!  Huge thank you to my cousin Eugene for our Sea World tickets and extra spending money and also a big big thank you to the So'oto family for making our trip so enjoyable.  We definitely felt the love :)  Expect us again soon!  Lol!

Here's proof that we were off to a really bad start! Lol

Took Talanoa to change her diaper and ended up in the Shamu store where she fell in love with this huge Shamu!  Vili told her if she could pull it out she could have it so she sat there tugging for it with all her might. We thought it was impossible but she got it out. It was $50 so we didn't get it. Hahahaha horrible parents! 

^^^Not a happy camper!  Lol

Sea World backpacks from Uncle Eugene! :) 

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