
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Easter Monday

I know, there isn't such a thing but there is in our family! Haha! Dang Tongans making up their own holidays. Lol. Grandma Talite and Aunty Talanoa did the cutest Easter egg hunt for the girls. We ended up doing it in the chapel because the weather wasn't great but the girls loved it! There were eggs galore so they got to go at their own pace and all filled up their buckets twice! Talanoa was all strategy with her hunting. It was kind of genius for a 23 month old if you ask me and also hilarious to watch. She would leave her bucket in one place and go and grab 2 eggs at a time and dump it in. She was on a roll! Elina was funny too! She was so excited that she wouldn't pick up eggs that were all in a row. She would zigzag back and forth past a million eggs just for one here and there. It's so fun to see them enjoying these things now. So grateful for my in-laws for always thinking of their grandkids! Afterwards, we all went to lunch at McDonald's so the kids could burn more energy. Such a fun day!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Easter Sunday

Look how cute my babies are in their Easter dresses! And look how cute my nursery kids are too! The sunbeams joined in on the fun and I was so happy to see my "old nursery kids". We had the most amazing and festive Rice Krispy treats that were shaped into eggs and filled with gummy candies thanks to Mandy. Now I want one, dang it! The weather was perfect so we walked outside and sang songs on the grass. Had an Easter activity which kept them busy and very quiet and then Josie showed us the best game ever! Lights on lights off. Kids fake sleep when the lights are off, they get a treat, and jump up when the lights go on. They loved it and that's an understatement! Ended nursery passing out treat bags. Kind of felt like an awesome Nursery Leader that Sunday! Doesn't happen every week so when it does I soak it all up. Lol!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Family Date Night

We went on a random family outing to City Creek. These spur of the moment family trips are my favorite! We rode the FrontRunner up there which was nice to save on gas but not so nice with hyper want-to-explore-everything toddlers! Lol. At least the trains are never too packed for it to be a big problem. We visited the apple store for way longer than necessary (upload pics and videos before getting your phone replaced, duh), ate Chik-fil-a and The Great Steak for dinner, got Cheesecake Factory to-go for dessert thanks to Uncle Robin and walked temple square. Definitely redoing this night again soon!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Ready, Set, Hunt!

We had an Easter play date at Mary's to kick off Easter weekend. I love that my girls actually get excited for holidays now and enjoy the activities that are planned. Their favorite activity was of course the egg hunt. Both of them had fun filling their baskets. Hard part was taking their baskets away after so they could eat real food. Lol! Mary has a huge backyard so after eating the kids all played outside and kept each other busy. Elina was hilarious coming down their slide. The first few times she slid down so fast that she'd land flat on her butt each time. Funniest part is that it didn't stop her! Back up the stairs she went to slide again while Talanoa hung out on the swings. We had funny mommy conversations inside while the kids played. It's one of my favorite thing about play dates; having friends validate that I'm not the only crazy worn-out mom around ;)